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Our Classes
HiSET Prep
with To Be Announced

This program prepares students to earn their HighSchool Equivalency Diploma. We begin with anoverview of the test and continue with preparationfor each subject of the HiSET® battery. Students andteachers work together to customize a program thatincludes direct instruction (in person or online),practice tests and working independently in the onlineHiSET® Academy App. Upon completion, graduateswill be honored at the Adult Education High SchoolGraduation Ceremony in June.
Give us a call (207) 568-3426
Community Walk
with RSU 3 Adult & Community Education

There is a fee for this course. We accept cash, checks, and debit/credit card. When filling out the check please make it out to RSU 3 Adult & Community Education. If you want to pay by card please give us a call and we can help process the transaction through our PayPal system.
Lace-up your sneakers, grab your music and a friend, and come on inside for some walking fun. Don’t be a couch potato this fall! The Mt. View complex has been mapped out with a route so that community members can get some exercise. Add a spin around the track for some fresh air, and tackle some stairs for extra credit. Registration is required.
Tuesdays & Thursdays (except for February and April vacation)
6PM - 8PM
Creating Yarn with Hand Spindles
with Alice Seegar

There is a fee for this course. We accept cash, checks, and debit/credit card. When filling out the check please make it out to RSU 3 Adult & Community Education. If you want to pay by card please give us a call and we can help process the transaction through our PayPal system.
Hand spindles are simple, primitive tools that have been used to create yarn by indigenous cultures, on every continent, since the beginning of time. Supported spindles, drop spindles, Myan Spinners, Scottish, Turkish, Navajo, and Russian spindles as well as Takli spindles from India. Each requires somewhat different techniques to produce yarn. In this workshop various types of hand spindles will be demonstrated and available for participants to give them a spin! Students will use wool roving to spin into yarn to take home. Supplies are provided but may also purchase a hand spindle in class ($20).
Tuesday, March 11th
5PM to 8PM
Android Basics
with Danielle Pensec
Please use the link at the bottom of this page to register.
This class is a 3 week class on Wednesdays (Dates are listed below).
Get started with your Android device, learn how to use essential applications like email, contacts, camera, and Chrome, and manage your settings. 3 one hour classes.
Requirements for this class:
An Android tablet or phone with Internet access.
Wednesday's, March 12, 19, & 26
10AM - 11:00AM
Registration Link:
Tax Readiness for the Self-Employed
with Banjo Ogunlela

Please use the link at the bottom of this page to register.
Learn how to organize your financial records, understand your tax responsibilities, become familiar with tax forms, and file your taxes with confidence from our professional staff. This one-hour workshop is designed for sole proprietors.
Topics include:
-Types of taxes and tax responsibilities
-Bookkeeping tips
-Filling out forms
-Tips for success
Wednesday, March 12th
10AM - 11:30AM
Registration link:
Instructor information:
-Banjo Ogunlela
-(207) 262-7842
Business Basics
with Destin DeCambre

Please use the link at the bottom of this page for registration.
This three-week session (three 90-minute classes) is for those thinking about or in the early start-up phase of a new business. Our professional staff will help you assess the feasibility, desirability, and viability of your business idea and get you started with your business plan.
Topics include:
-What it takes to be a business owner
-Business plan outline
-Mission statement-Marketing and pricing
-Cash planning
Thursday's , March 13, 20 & 27
1PM - 2:30PM
Registration link:
Instructor information:
-Destin DeCambre
-(207) 768-9468
Substitute Training-Rescheduled!
with Deb Avalone-King

The registration for this class has been closed as we are at our max of participants. If you want to be on the waitlist for the next training that will be held in the Fall of 2025, please give us a call and we will put you on the list.
Our schools need you and not just as a teacher. Substitutes are hired in almost every job category (custodial, food service, educational technicians and bus drivers). Before you know it, in just two short sessions, taught by experienced RSU 3 staff, you can be trained and earning $22 - $30 per hour. Background check and fingerprinting are required but fees are 100% reimbursable for those who join us as a substitute.
Thursday, March 13
3:30PM - 6:30PM
Mini Tapestry Weaving
with Alice Seegar

There is a fee for this course. We accept cash, checks, and debit/credit card. When filling out the check please make it out to RSU 3 Adult & Community Education. If you want to pay by card please give us a call and we can help process the transaction through our PayPal system.
Students will set up small frame looms to create a Mini Tapestry! Using colorful and textured yarn, wool fiber, sari silk, and ribbon, Alice will guide you in creating a small woven tapestry using a variety of techniques. Bring found objects discovered on nature walks or other small items to add to your tapestry. This is an introductory workshop. No Weaving experience necessary!
Supplies are provided but may purchase a loom in class ($20).
Tuesday's, March 18 and 25
5PM to 8PM